Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 24-28

Wow, it has been a crazy four days. Sorry I didn't post, I have some things that have come up. I got really really sick on Wednesday and didn't really recover until Friday, but then I had to go out of town to see my husband, but as you can probably think, I really didn't eat Wednesday through Friday, so I was good there, I actually lost 3 pounds in three days but then the rest of the time I still wasn't hungry until today, so I have been doing what I can just to put some food in my body. So starting tomorrow, I will be starting over on this challenge, with day 1 again. I have 62 days officially before I need to be in a ball gown for a party for my husband and I have BIG goals to get into it, so I want to be the fit as I can and lose as much as weight as I can. So this is my new goal, so in 62 days, my goals will be posted later today or tomorrow morning, so stay posted.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 22 & 23

So I am so thankful to Kira for showing me the julian michaels tape. I did that this morning and it kicked my butt but Loved how it made me feel afterwards, so I am probably going to go and get one so I can do it everyday. But today I am already on the right track for eating too, I have already eaten some pears and drank 2 glasses of water and it isn't even 10 am. Last week I was able to lose 2 pounds so in 20 or so days I have lost 6 pounds. I am just under 200 now so i am happy with that but I have a long way to go. So I will be walking at some point for at least 45 minutes and i will do some cleaning for an hour and I will make sure i eat on time and the right food. also i am from this day not going to drink soda even diet ones.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 21

Was able to see my husband today. It was such a treat. I did manage to eat at the right times, :) thanks Kira for the reminder. I didn't work out a lot, I did walk a lot today but had to stop it short because of the rain and bad weather. I made it home and escaped most of the terrible weather. I am blessed to have such wonderful husband and daughter, what a good day.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 20

Today started with another long night sleep with Lily and I, we didn't get up until 9 today> :O) what a great blessing, then we were off to the store to get some things for the weekend. Lily loved to be in the baby bjourne while I pushed the cart. We got a lot done, and I am cleaning up today as well, so I am sort of taking a partial day off from working out, but so far I have eaten some taco mix with a few chips, and I plan on eating some chicken with salad for dinner. I hope it warms up a little today and maybe we can go for a walk otherwise we will go window shopping to get some extra exercise in :) I am trying so hard to be more consistent.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 19

Today I was able to take the time to walk/jog for more than 3 miles today. I am very proud because I worked out for over an hour today, two days in a row. I am really enjoying the exercise and quality time I am having with my daughter. She is becoming a cute little girl with her own personality. I am taken away with her most days. For food today I didn't really do all that good because I didn't really eat at the right times, but here is what I ate, for lunch sugar free pudding, and stew, and dinner I ate chicken nuggets. I promise to be better tomorrow on the times and what I am eating, I need to add some eggs and veggies in somewhere. I will do better I know. It is all about being consistent in what I am doing, I am trying to be consistent with everything that I am doing in my life, it is a process but it WILL happen. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 18

Last night it rained so much and Lily was so sick with her teeth hurting, that we are going to walk the mall today for exercise.

Br/Lunch: Finished the pudding and had some chicken
Snack: Chicken bites
Dinner: Chicken/Steak salad

I hope to be able to do some form of the WOD today as well, but just reporting in.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 17

Work Out Today: Walking with Aubz for 45 mins, and 20 sit ups, 20 squats, 20 girly push ups

Activity: Cleaning Bedroom, Bathroom and Kitchen (I hope I get through with all of that today)

Food Intake:

BR: 3 Eggs and 4 dried apricots
Lunch: sugar free pudding, Nuts
Dinner: Chicken salad with Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette

So I think that I am going to have to start posting like this because I need to be more accurate in what I am posting about. I am proud of myself today. I am feeling a lot better and I have a lot more energy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 16

Okay this is the first post of the day because I am really proud of myself. I walked for 3.5 miles this morning. I really like walking to music, it puts me into a rhythm and I just don't want to stop. When I get a little better I will start jogging to. My short term goal on the jogging thing is to jog for a mile and a half without stopping. I know I can do it :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 15

Today I was able to walk with my sister today. I loved it, it was a lot of fun. I went to the doctor today and found out that I have bronchitis, good news it is not phenomena but I have to take antibiotics for it. I am probably going to take Lily into the doctors office tomorrow just to make sure that she is not as sick as I am. She is still acting sicky. Today my eating was off, but not as much as other days. But I didn't eat on time so it is a little more difficult today because of the fact I worked, walked, went to the doctors appointment, and went to pick up my medicines. It was a rushed and stressful day. But moving on to the next day where I can do better.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 14

Okay I weighed in this week, and well I only lost a pound. But it is better than nothing so I will take it. Today I have done better eating that is for sure. Until tomorrow, a short post today but at least I remember to post something.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 13

So today was definitely not the greatest, and I will be the first to admit it. It was raining all day, so I didn't get the time to work out like I needed, and I didn't get to eat the way I needed to, again 90% my fault on that. I could have made better choices and I know that, I am not make excuses. I know that I can't give into little ideas in my mind saying that this one bad choice is okay because I will eat better the next day. It is a weird thought that I feel I give into too freely. I know now it is a huge weakness of mine, so tomorrow my goal is to not give into the little voice in my head, and make better choices.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 12

I really enjoyed using the jogging stroller today. I finally felt good enough to jog with the stroller. So I was able to jog fairly comfortably for about a mile and a half and I walked/jogged for a total of 3 miles today. I think that is a good start for me. I really want to be able to jog for 3 miles straight without stopping, that is my first short term goal on exercise. I know if I can jog for that long, I will gain alot of endurance and weight will just start melting off. As far as nutrition today, I didn't to 100% but I didn't do really bad either. I was able to make a great quiche tonight for my husband as well. I think that I am getting better each time I cook it, so now I just need to find the time that I can find a few recipes a week that I can try to cook that is on the diet so that I can get a little more variety.  So until tomorrow, my goal tomorrow is to be able to jog a little bit more than today, and be able to do the Crossfit WOD, and be able to eat healthy for 90% of the day. I know I can do it. I think that I am going to start making small goals for the next day to see if first of all I remember the goal and second to see if I stick with the goal.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 11

Okay it is back on, I am going to go walking/jogging with my little girl today, it is finally going to be warmer in the middle part of the day and I am so excited to get out and do things. I will do an extra workout too, maybe Angie :) or save that for tomorrow and do something else. I need to kick my workouts out, maybe doing two or three a day to get back on, so where I can get back on track for working out over two hours a day, which was my original goal. I know I can do that because I usually walk/jog that long. I need to get back on track with my eating too now that I am getting better health wise. So back on... I will be eating eggs, chicken, salad, and nuts today. I also will be taking Dale our dog to get groomed today, he is going to look nice and clean by the end of the day today, and maybe I can get some sleep today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 10

Today I FINALLY was able to walk a while today with the new jogging stroller. It was so nice and I am so proud of myself. I walked for a good 45 minutes today, so now I am on my way back to working out again, I am so on this thing again. I need to tack on 5 extra days though to make up things.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 9

So I am still sick, a little better than yesterday but I still can't really do any activity. I did have to get some sorbet (lime) for my throat to feel at ease but other than that I am doing well. I had two chicken breast today with Paleo ketchup. But hopefully tomorrow I will have a change for the better and get to work out for like two hours or something.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 7 and 8

I have to admit I am really sick. I have a really bad cold with this cough that feels that my insides out blowing out and killing everything on their path out. But I did manage to eat 90% Paleo over the weekend. I didn't manage to work out since not feeling well, so I will just take those as rest days and the next time I can work out I will not take a rest day for a week or more. So nothing much to report on that progress, but even with the less workouts and eating 90% of the time Paleo I still managed to lose just over 4 pounds this week. I am very proud of myself even if it is only water weight if that is the case. :) Until tomorrow.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 6

Well today was a rest day for me in working out, but we did go to the mall and walked around for a hour. Today I tried two new recipes to eat for lunch and dinner today. I should have taken pictures to show you and wrote down the recipes exactly but they were decent I will make sure that I start writing them down. But the first recipe for lunch was I used spategetti squash, and left over fajaita steak, shrimp, and chicken with veggies with soy sauce (without wheat). It turned out really good. I have to work with the consistency of the squash to get more tender, but that is something I will do next time. The second recipe that I did today was make mini hamburgers with butter lettuce and small strawberries. This was a dinner for sure. I think that I will make this again and just switch out the fruit. So today it was a good day.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 5

Today, I so far have cleaned for about an hour and a half, and I will be doing push ups and squats this afternoon  or maybe jump rope for a while when I can before my hubby gets home. I would do the WOD for the day but I decided to just be more effective with my time and do some ab work instead, plus it is FREEZING outside. So hopefully I can get back on track with the WODs tomorrow. Today so far I have had the following to eat: two handful of cashews, a handful of almonds mixed with dried cranberries and sunflower seeds, 1 1/2 fried eggs (it would have been the full two that I made but the eggs just didn't taste good), and a banana. I know that is not a lot but my hubby has plans for us to go out to eat and I plan to eat good then, but still behave :) I was wondering if anyone doing Zone or Paleo had this to where they didn't have an appetite and almost everything they ate tasted different than before and not really all that good, and the increase of nuts and fruits and veggies hurt their tummies. That is where I am at right now. It isn't too annoying yet but I just wish I would love what I am eating and enjoy it, but I am trying that is for sure. And I did step on the scale today just to see if I progressed any, (Okay sorry, but I was curious), and I had lost almost 5 full pounds from Sunday. That is crazy almost a pound a day, that is cool. I know that my progress will not be that good from now on but it doesn't hurt to see it. Anyways until tomorrow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4

Okay today was a little crazy, Lily and I went shopping all over the green earth today. We walked a lot for more than half the day so that is my workout for the day. And I ate bananas, nuts, steak, and dried fruit today. I should have put some veggies in there but for how much activity we did today, I think I did well. I am about to watch the Alabama-Texas game, go BAMA. Til tomorrow I will be pushing forward, I have some good things that I am going to try as far as food this weekend, so I will post that in the coming days.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3

Today was good with the food intake. I had fruits, nuts, lettuce, meat, and eggs. I have realized that my metabolism is kicking in because I am starting to get hungry every couple of hours. I will have to make sure that I have snacks on hand so I don't go without so I don't strave myself. Also my little girl is finally getting a little better, but we had a scare that she didn't want to eat, but now she is eating a little bit tonight so that is good news. As far as exercise we walked for a while and I am going to do push up and sit ups and squats for time before I go to bed tonight. So for Day 3 it is not going too bad. I am going to go shopping for food tomorrow for the rest of the week so I can have everything planned out. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2

Today was better than yesterday. I was able to take my little girl to the doctor and the doctor prescribed some medicine that will help her get better. And then we took an hour walk which was about 2 1/2 miles or so around the block. I did 50 girly push ups, 50 sit ups, and 50 air squats to round out my work out today, and my body can feel it really because I am still getting over my cold still too. I ate mixed nuts, and fresh and dried fruit , two fried eggs, a little bit of meat, and if I get hungry tonight I will have lettuce and diced meat with a few nuts for a snack. I think today it is going well, and I drinking a lot of water. I have to be honest the hardest thing for me to do is to go to the refrigerator and grab a Diet Pepsi every time I want to drink something but I am sure that craving will go away in the next few days. How did everyone else do today?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1

So far the first day has gone smoothly with the nutrition part of this challenge. For breakfast I ate pieces of ham, and then for lunch I had chicken and brochilli, and then for a snack I has four slices of meat with a handful of almonds. I will probably try to get something special for dinner tonight. I have to go to the store tonight to get somethings for me and my little girl. We are both sick with colds. So that takes me to the working out today. I did want to do "Angie" and run 12x2, but I think that is going to have to wait for another day, so I am just going to do push ups, sit ups, and squats for time, I think 50 each. I hope this will not be too big of a disappointment to anyone, but I really think this is a way that I can still push myself but not over do myself so I can get better. I think this is not too bad for a first day. I know I had limitations today but I think I did pretty well in inserting where I can good nutrition and exercise. Til tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Beginning of No Excuses, No Compromise!!!!!

So I decided that today is finally the day that I give back to myself in a way that no one else can. I decided that there will be no more excuses or compromise on living healthy. My body deserves that type of gift. The trouble that I have always had any other time in my life when I have tried to make goals in any sort of way to become fit, lose weight, or any other way that I wanted to try to change my body, is I have never made myself accountable for the goals that I set for myself. Maybe you can relate, have you ever made a New Years Resolution with every intention of completing the goals that you wrote down, but because there was no one following up with you, by a month or two out you start forgetting what you were doing to complete your goal or forgot your goal altogether, and then had to reset your goals or make new ones altogether as well. Well that is my life with living healthy, especially when it comes to my weight and eating habits. But now, blogging here is the way that I will be finally accountable. I figured that the first 30 days is always the hardest for me to get through when I am starting a habit. So I will at least vow to blog every day on the following items for 30 days: what I eat throughout the day, what activities I do throughout the day (WOD's, Walking, Running, etc), at least once a week record my weight and evaluate the progress I am making, and posting any good tips or recipes I find along the way.

So here I begin with my first stats which are always the worst for me to let everyone else know what and where I am at and just how far I really ideally want to go and be, so here we go.

Height: 5 foot 4 inches
Current Weight: 206 pounds
Waist (at navel): 48 inches              
Hips: 48 inches
Chest: 42 inches
Arms:14 inches
Thigh: 22 inches
Calf: 16 inches

Goal Weight: 135 pounds                
Total Weight Loss: 71 pounds

30 Day Weight Loss Goal: 12 pounds (6% of total weight loss desired)
30 Day Eating Goal: NO CHEATING and EATING ONLY PALEO!!!!! (I have to record what I eat every day whether I cheat or not, but if I do cheat then I fail, and I don't like to fail, it is not worth it either, no excuses can ever be made enough if I fail, so that will not happen.)

Here is a picture of what I look like as of right now. So I know I have a lot to go, but again, here is the starting of my accountability. If anyone else is interested in joining my challenge please let me know.