Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Okay so last night I ran my first 5k in distance and I did it in 38.43 and I am so excited, and then this morning I rowed for 2.4k and then did a Zumba class, and also did Fran today in about 8 minutes, but I had to modify with the pull up assistance bar, and only did 35 pounds on the weight for the thrusters, but I am so excited, I worked out for 1.5 hours. That is what I want to do from now on at least five days a week, work out 1.5 hours, no matter if that is running, Zumba, or whatever. :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Okay everyone can see that I have updated my links, I just included the Zumba link. I really like Zumba and I just ordered their DVD set as well, so I will be doing Zumba along with Cross-fit and Running. The coolest part about the website of Zumba that I posted, is that if you go to find a class you can find all the classes new you and I had no idea there were so many.  I am really excited, and tonight I am going to go to the gym and either run, row, or do the elliptical, and then the rest of the week, I will be doing Zumba, Run, or Cross-fit. Also we have just went to the store and we are going back strictly to what works for us. We are going to eat a lot of Salads, meats, eggs, veggies and fruits. Cutting out most of the carbohydrates that weigh us down. We will still be eating rice and sweet potatoes and red potatoes every now and then :) So there is my update today.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So we are going to go for a family walk today, it is a nice 75 degrees weather today with some wind. It is lovely for a walk. Also we are going to start eating Primal and Paleo. It is going to be a little more planning on my end but it will get it all where we want to be health and weight wise. :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Okay today was an off day. We were going to go out of town today and didn't and will be going tomorrow, so today I took as a recovery day. So next week means a lot of trips to the track, Zumba, and anything else that I can call exercise.

Monday, May 17, 2010

We did Zumba today. Lily for the most part was good while we participated. I was a little under the weather this weekend, so this was a good change of pace for me than running for like 30 minutes. My goal though for this week is to run 2.25 miles three - five times this week. And I want to run that distance under 25 minutes if possible each time. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Okay we are going to go walking today for about two miles today because we are soooorrrreeee. :) but this week still has been a lot of fun.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spinning was a lot of fun I will definitely be back on Tuesday. :) It is nothing like burning around 900 calories today :)

Workout 1 for the day

Heather and I did a good workout this morning. I ran 2 miles in 20.30 and did 150 wall balls with an exercise ball. Tonight we are going to be doing a spinning class. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Workout today

Okay the workout today was AMAZING just like yesterday. Today Heather W. and I did five rounds for time Assisted Pull Ups, Dips, and Snatches, and .25 Run. So it was so good. I was able to cut my mile run time by a minute, but it was sort of sprinting but it was still a good feeling to run in the 9 minute mile range again. My goal for this week as been to run at least two miles a day, and then next week will be to run at least 2.5 miles a day. I want to be able in the near future to be able to run 5 miles in a row three times a week at a fairly distant pace so that I can go running with my husband. Tomorrow I will be doing a workout in the morning and then going to a spinning class :) with Heather and maybe her husband. :) It should be fun.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It is totally back on, I have been working out almost every day since I have been back with Rockey and we have settled down a little bit. Today I Rowed 2K in (11 minutes), and Ran 2 miles in 19:45. I am so happy with this today. The two miles really kicked my body good. I feel it in my back, of all the places, but whatever I will take it. :) I want to also report how proud I am of my sis for losing 7 pounds in two weeks doing ZUMBA at church. I recently did ZUMBA two times and I like it very much too, so I will be doing it more, thanks sis for your encouragement and example. I miss you tons already.