Friday, March 19, 2010

Okay it has been crazy that last little bit. I have felt that I haven't been able to get my bearings straight for the past couple of weeks, but I feel like I am finally getting back to where I need to be. But just as I feel that way I get news that we have to be moving locations in less than a month, actually 22 days to be exact. But it is okay, getting organized to get packed up will make me be focused again. :) So all is good, it is going to be bitter sweet because I am going to have to be leaving my family and friends again soon, but I will be with my hubby on a day to day basis again and I will love that :) I have missed that.

Well, today I have been shopping and lugging things and baby every where. So that is my work out. I will be jumping rope tomorrow for about 7 minutes, and then do some sit ups and maybe push ups, and even if I am lucky I will do squats. I have hurt my ankle a little bit, so I am trying to do things that I feel will not effect it too much.

Monday, March 1, 2010

So I didn't have the best of weekends, on my diet and exercise, but I did have a GREAT weekend with my husband and little girl. I have gained a desire to do better though for the next couple of weeks. I will not get to see my husband for almost three weeks straight, so I want to do good for him. :)